Whether you are travelling to a different part of the country or going abroad, here are a few tips to help you stay healthy.
Remember to stay hydrated. We often forget to drink water when we are travelling either because we don't have it readily available or because we might not be able to stop to use the bathroom. However travelling especially flying can cause us to become dehydrated. Caffeine and alcohol can also cause dehydration so be mindful before you have a coffee and a glass of fizz to get your holiday started at the airport.
Whether travelling by car, coach or aeroplane our movement is often restricted. Make time to move your body and stretch, walk up and down the plane or take frequent breaks if driving. It is also important to loosen the body before lifting heavy suitcases and back packs and remember to engage your core and watch your back. You wouldn't lift weights in the gym without warming up first.
Getting enough sleep is important before travelling to ensure the body can cope with the extra stress travelling can create. Try to get some good nights sleep prior to travelling especially if you are going to have an early start or crossing time zones.
Stress has an impact on the nervous and immune systems, you don't want to start your holiday with a virus so try to limit your stress by being organised and planning ahead. Being stress and anxious can impede quality sleep and exacerbate symptoms of jet lag.
Did you know that Craniosacral therapy can help with Jet Lag? It helps to bring balance back by resetting the body. I had a lovely review from someone who booked her treatment prior to travelling to the UK from Australia.
"I booked Barbara for a craniosacral session just after arriving from Australia to help me get over jet lag. We know long haul flights really affect our bodily rhythms and that also includes the cranio-sacral rhythm. By resetting the craniosacral rhythm it helps bring all the other rhythms in our body into balance. I was delighted by Barbaras session which really did help me feel so much more grounded and present on British soil and I was able to get my sleep routing into synch with UK."