With the sun lower in the sky, reduced daylight hours and us wrapping up we can become deficient in Vitamin D over the winter months. You can find out your Vitamin D levels by taking a test click here to find out more.
The cold weather can be damaging to your skin as well as central heating causing dehydration to the skin. We remember to put sun protection on in the summer months, but don't forgot to moisturise your skin in the colder months too.
Aim to drink 2 litres of water per day which is more difficult to remember when it is not hot weather. Water is important for all bodily functions particularly the brain. As a Craniosacral therapist the flow of cerebrospinal fluid is especially of interest to me. You need to be adequately hydrated to supply the brain with nutrients and for metabolites to be flushed out. I can usually identify if a client has not drunk enough water on the day they are having a treatment! Don't forget alcohol can dehydrate you so always have one glass of water between every unit of alcohol you drink. Keep alcohol consumption to safe limits especially over the festive period.
It is not unusual to feel down in the winter and with the news reporting fuel crisis and increase cost of living, it is easy to fall into depression. Talking about how you are feeling is important and you are not alone. Try to reduce or stop listening to the news and do one at least one positive thing a day.
Have Craniosacral therapy treatments to keep your body functioning at its best