The Immune System is that aspect of the body whose function is to protect us from harm. It is a distribution network of roughly 10 billion loosely cooperating cells that communicate with each other physically, energetically and chemically through the body.
Where is the Immune System
There are 3 primary areas of the immune system
1. Under the skin and in the mucus membranes, which means inside the mouth and nose, the whole of the respiratory and digestive tracts, inside the reproduction organs, in the eyes.
2. In the blood and the lymph
3. In the specialised lymphoid organs, the bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, lympoid tissue (appendix, tonsils, adenoids, spleen, bone marrow).
We have 3 layers of defence
1. The Physical Barrier which is the skin and mucous membrane
FUN FACT We have over 400 square meters of mucous membranes in your bodies
2. The Innate Immune system, which acts very fast when we are exposed to bacteria or parasites, but it does not learn from previous encounters.
FUN FACT The immune system can react within minutes of exposure to an infection.
3. The Adaptive Immune system which is where the body has adapted and learnt from a previous encounter, such as the body has had this infection before or has been immunised to a certain pathogen or virus. It takes a few days for the adaptive immune system to react to a virus or pathogen it has be previous exposed to so relies initially on the innate immune system.
So what has the immune system got to do with Cranisosacral Therapy?
If the body has stress or restrictions this can affect how effectively the Immune System is able to function. During a craniosacral therapy session we can help to reduce stress, and calm the central nervous system, which allows the immune system to be primed to look out for pathogens (for example bacteria and viruses). During a treatment in the same way as restrictions are released around your spine, you can also get restrictions around an organ and this can impact how the immune organ functions. Sometimes the immune system can become over active or a bit confused and this can lead to cancer or autoimmune conditions so it is really important for it to be in balance.
If you would like to find out how Craniosacral Therapy might help your immune system then please get in touch.